4 week TRANSFORMATION challenge

(Click here to watch video)

Stefan van der merwe- Bsc. Hons Biokinetics graduate, Sport Science graduate


minkie van der westhuizen

Ek is stom geslaan deur die kwaliteit van Stefan se oefen en eetplan, dit is so eenvoudig om te volg en die gewigsverlies resultate praat vir hulself!


Francios Van Coke

Ek dink die groot problem met oeten en eetplanne is dat dit gewoonlik 'n one size fits all plan is, maar Stefan skryf vir jou 'n oefen en eetplan wat spesifiek vir jou liggaam en kondiesies is om vir jou die beste resultate te gee.



Ek het nooit in my lewe kon dink dat 'n mens so lekker kan eet en oefen op 'n plan nie. Ek moet se ek vol AMAZING! So energized! Dankie Stefan.



Ek weet dit kan partykeer baie frustreerend wees as jy nie weet wat om te eet en hoe om te oefen vir daai spesifieke doelwit nie- Stefan se Program sal presies vir jou liggaamstiepe geskryf word om jou doelwit te help bereik.



My vriend Stefan het sy graad in Biokinetika en help mense ongelooflike resultate kry, as jy wil he hy moet jou help- stuur vir hom ‘n DM.



I lost 8 kg in 8 weeks! I can’t tell you how happy I am, how excited I am! Last time I weighed this much was in highschool! Though I would never fit in my Matric dance outfit again! Can’t recommend Stefan enough!



    Thanks for changing my life, Stefan! Initially focused on improving my appearance, I soon realized it brought multiple benefits. My lifestyle, habits, and overall wellbeing have transformed for the better. By making a few daily changes, I now feel like I have a firm grip on life. Thanks again!

    - Leo

  • ↑ 13KG TOTAL LOSS | 12 WEEKS

    Thanks for changing my life, Stefan! I thought genetics made me destined to be overweight. But you showed me I don't need starvation to lose weight. You're an incredible coach! I now have confidence and your program was life-changing. Thank you!

    - Mishka

  • ↑ 9.8KG TOTAL LOSS | 8 WEEKS

    Baie bly met my resultate! Program aanpasbaar en eetplan werklik mobiel. Dankie vir die challenge! Amazing ervaring, aanbeveel dit vir almal!

    - Margha Greyling


    Die beste besluit ooit! Stefan se program verander jou leefstyl met beplanning, verantwoordbaarheid, en konsekwentheid. Ek het nooit gedink ek sal op 53 weer gemaklik in my eie lyf wees nie. Maak die besluit vandag! Sukses gewaarborg! Dankie Stefan! Groot skuld!

    - Ansu Kaplan

  • ↑ 11KG TOTAL LOSS | 12 WEEKS

    12 weke reis met Fitt by Stefan en ek het 11 kg verloor. Fiks, gesond, en maerder. Ek is absolut mal oor die oefenprogram wat in my skedule as 'n ma pas. Die eetprogram is maklik om te volg en die hele gesin kan saam gesond eet.

    - Mariike Cilliers


What to expect

✓ An extremely effective transformation workout plan (for in-the-gym or at-home training)

✓ Follow along workout videos and progress tracking on my B.Active APP

✓ Know exactly what to eat with my delicious meal examples, snack inspirations and precise meal tracking on our B.Active APP

✓ Mouthwatering Recipes include

✓ A Whatsapp Support Group! Join a group of like-minded people, ready to take on this 4-week journey with you

✓ Me as your online coach – keeping you accountable, making sure that you reach your transformation goals

✓ Weekly informational video sessions about everything to do with Health & Fitness

✓All this in one place, get me as your personal trainer in your pocket with access to my B.Active APP today!

This is by far the most complete and effective program that I have ever written. You will never need another program again!

Summer bodies are made in winter 4 week challenge will have 5 staring dates:

Group 1 ( 1st Jan )
Group 2 ( 6th Jan )
Group 3 ( 13th Jan )
Group 4 ( 20th Jan )
Group 5 ( 27th Jan )
Group 6 ( 1st Feb )

(Click below to watch program info video)

click here

Whatsapp me